Stay At Home Mom

As a stay at home mom, at some point you feel bored, lonely, unappreciated and stressed. Staying at home all day and taking care of couple of toddler like me is bound to make you go insane at some point and after you've finished your daily chores, you felt exhausted and clueless as to what to do next. Below are some suggestion to make you feel accomplished once again.

Make Friends

Go to a park where you may find other stay at home moms and their kids. Start a conversation. Discuss your daily routines, trial and tribulations that are going on in your lives and your problems. This way you will have someone to talk to whenever you need them.

Join A Bookclub

Go to your local library, cafe, or research online where to find local bookclubs. Go to one of their meetings. You're sure to find it enlightening, relaxing, and enjoying. This will give you something to do after your daily chores and also when you're at home with the family and everyone's resting.

Get Organized
Get yourself couple of pocket calendars. They have wide selection with attractive price. List all the things you want to do. Cross out when you have done them. You will get a sense of accomplishment.

Start A Playgroup

Post ads in your local paper and also online. You can also chat with your friends from the park about bringing their kids over for a few playdates. You would be in charge of everything. This way you'll have your sense of accomplishment back because you have once again proven that you can organize more than just a refrigerator.

Try them out and you will see the result soon!


