I have a new hobby. Can you guess? Yup! It’s sewing. I did some simple patchwork recently and it’s addictive. I am not very expert in using sewing machine. Somehow I can’t sew in a straight line. So, at this moment, I just hand sew all the pieces together. One thing bothered me, though. I hate threaded the thread into the needle. It took me sometime to do it. Blame it to my old eyes.
One of my friends did the Lasik surgery, and I would love to do it if I have the money. Speaking of money do you know that you can win $5,000 grand prize from Abbott Medical Optics Inc. just by making video showing the impact of improved vision? Abbott Medical Optics Inc. (AMO) is a global leader in laser vision correction and they want to know how better vision could improve — or has improved — people’s lives.
If you want to join this iLASIK Video Contest, you can choose one from three selected theme:
1. My contacts are getting in the way of my good time
2. My favorite sport or activity would be so much cooler with better vision
3. You should see life after the iLASIK® Procedure
So, hurry up and submit your video.
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