The other day, when I was playing around with my new camera, I noticed that baby feet was a very cute object to take a photo, but also difficult to take when the baby was awake. Luckily it’s a digital camera, so you can take a much as you want and delete the one that you don’t want.
Interesting facts about baby feet:
A baby who's just started walking takes 176 steps a minute!
At birth your baby only has 22 out of the full 26 bones in their feet and the remaining few develop slowly throughout childhood, with the whole process finishing at around 16 to 18 years old. That means, baby feet are plumper and softer than adult feet and as such, need to grow and develop in soft, flexible shoes.
To avoid compressing and restricting baby’s feet, it is important to make sure that a baby’s shoes, socks and clothes are loose enough that they are able to move around easily. At least 18mm of growing room should be allowed between the end of the longest toe and the end of the shoe.
Due to the exertion of so much energy when learning to stand and balance, a baby’s foot sweats twice as much as adults! Because of this, it is important to only dress little feet in shoes and socks made of material that is breathable and absorbent. Also, make sure that a baby’s foot is completely dry after bathing.
Growth of babies’ feet is seasonal with faster growth in the warmer months. On average, children’s feet grow 2 full sizes a year until they are four years old. Little feet should be measured monthly the first year, every two months between the ages of 12 months and 24 months, and every 3 months from 24 to 36 months.
The easiest way to trim a babies nails is simply by peeling them with your fingers. They should be soft enough to avoid using scissors but, if required, only cut when two adults are around: one to hold wriggly feet, the other to do the careful cutting. Special baby scissors with rounded ends are available.
The flat footed appearance of some baby feet is normal and is caused by an extra layer of fat filling out the arches. This layer generally disappears at the end of toddler years when muscles strengthen and arches begin to develop
The curling of a babies foot when touched is known as the “plantar reflex” and is a indication of a healthy connection between the brain and spinal cord. When touched under the foot, the toes of a young baby (less than a few months) will fan out while those of an older baby will curl.
Experts agree that when possible, barefoot is best for babies. Footwear should be used when needed for warmth and protection (and sometimes to make an outfit!). When footwear is worn it should be appropriate to developmental stage.
Medical experts agree that flexible, soft-sole shoes are best for optimal growth and development of young feet. Traditional stiff, high-top, hard-sole shoes are actually detrimental to the growth and development of little feet